PlastyPoints A Free Educational Resource & Collaboration Network Print

The ASERF Scientific Research Committee and Board of Directors are pleased to announce the following grant award:

Researcher: Karan Chopra, MD

Grant Award: ASERF Interim Grant

Amount Awarded: $5,000

Project Name: PlastyPoints A Free Educational Resource & Collaboration Network

Project Summary: To provide an online educational resource for plastic surgeons to efficiently review high-yield, high-quality plastic surgery content created by the communal efforts of both plastic surgeons in training and experts in the field.   This educational resource will not serve to replace or replicate content available on the password protected Radar Resource. Many surgeons use Radar Resource for aesthetic procedural videos and access to full ASJ articles. PlastyPoints aims to provide synthesized information for quick and convenient access to the full breadth and depth of plastic surgery in a bullet point fashion. This would complement Radar Resource rather than compete with it.