Study of the Pathophysiology of Filler-induced Blindness Print

The ASERF Scientific Research Committee and Board of Directors are pleased to announce the following grant award:

Researcher: Kihyun Cho, MD

Grant Award: ASERF Interim Grant

Amount Awarded: $8,390

Project Name: Study of the Pathophysiology of Filler-induced Blindness

Project Summary: Although rare, blindness following soft tissue filler injection can and does occur.(1) We propose a retrograde arterial embolism of filler as the responsible mechanism for filler-induced blindness. Many authors have proposed this mechanism in their publications.(2,3) However, no previous human study has been done to prove this proposed mechanism. Also, the intravascular volume and injection pressure needed to create emboli by hyaluronic acid filler in the ophthalmic artery and internal carotid artery is unknown.

The aim of this study is to investigate the pathophysiology of filler-induced blindness. We plan to do this using a fresh cadaver perfusion technique. The measurement of injection pressure and filler volume needed to embolize the ophthalmic artery and internal carotid artery will also be determined. We aim to provide an evidence-based safe guidelines for soft tissue filler injection.